
Il y aura quatre cours de 4h30 chacun.

  • Karthikeyan Bhargavan, INRIA Paris. Protecting Real-World Security Protocols from Legacy Cryptographic Algorithms (English).
  • Christina Boura, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin. Introduction to symmetric cryptography and cryptanalysis of block ciphers (French, English on demand). (Slides)
    This course will focus on symmetric key cryptography. We will start by reviewing the basic principles of this family of algorithms by concentrating in particular on block ciphers. We will review the main rules for constructing a block cipher, having a look at the inner primitives as well as the most famous operation modes. We will present then in detail one of the most famous attacks against block ciphers, called differential cryptanalysis. Finally, we will show techniques for estimating the algebraic degree of a block cipher and present ways to exploit a low algebraic degree for attacking such ciphers.
  • Ben Smith, INRIA Saclay–Île-de-France et Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’École polytechnique (LIX). Advances in contemporary curve-based cryptography (English). (Slides)
  • Gilles Zémor, Institut de mathématiques de Bordeaux. Introduction aux codes correcteurs quantiques (French, English on demand). (Notes)
    Ce cours s’adresse en priorité aux personnes ayant des rudiments de théorie des codes classiques et souhaitant être initiées à sa transposition dans le contexte quantique. Nous traiterons en particulier la thématique moderne des codes LDPC quantiques et leurs connexions topologiques. Aucune connaissance de la mécanique quantique n’est présupposée.

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